Changes in society are giving rise to growing objections to surfacing any more sand roads. These objections are provoked by the interest in the environment, countryside and cultural history. On the other hand, agricultural developmont calls for continued mechanization in order to reduce production costs. This means, among other things,...
Positive Results Obtained from CRCP Projects in France (1988-1991)
C.R.C.P. Technology has been selected by SAPRR in France foz its overlay programme on the heavy traffic Highway A6 Paris/Lyon. This programme started in 1983 with deformed bars Fe E500 with a steellconcrete section ratio 0,67%. Considering the logistic and safety problems on
Reuse of Alkali Damaged Road Concrete in Cement Bound Road Bases
Aggregates were obtained from an alkali-silica damaged concrete road slab aggregates and used for road base concrete with different kinds of cement (low alkali cement, high alkali cement). After analysing the samples produced with these mixes, which were exposed for up to one year to different hardening conditions, no alkali-silika...
Concrete Overlay Thickness Design Based on FWD Deflections for Airports
Since the overlay thickness must be decided considerinq the structural condition of the existing pavement, FWD was introduced to evaluate the mechanical properties and to obtain input data for the overlay design. In the case of concrete overlays for concrete pavements, the overlay thickness depends on the existing slab thickness...
Developments for the Exposed Aggregate Technique in Austria
For the time being the exposed aggregate technique is the cheapest way of building a rigid pavement with a surface that is noise reducing, skid resistant and durable. The technique requires the use of specially adapted payers, very good-natured retarders and a very efficient curing. Special combinations of surface retarders...
Jointed Concrete Pavement Mechanistic Design – An Approach to ReLiability Calibration
The design of jointed concrete pavement (JCP) using mechanistic-empirical concepts must incorporate a systems approach in considering material and traffic variability with respect to design and calibration in a mathematically consistent manner. Calibration procedures are necessary to insure the prerequisite accuracy in the design calculation and estImate of pavernelil. peIIuIIIIdlIlx....
Whole Life Costing of Road Pavements The Way Ahead
This paper considers the role of whole life costing in the management process for the road network and explores the background to current interest in England. It describes the development of the computer model, COMPARE, for assessing the whole life costs of bituminous and concrete pavement options. The key components...
Development of a Prectrnssing Method for Joints of Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavement Slabs
As precast prestressed concrete pavement slabs with high strength are resistant to abrasion and enable fast construction, they have been increasingly used in Japan instead of the conventional pavements, especially in heavy traffic roads and airfields. 1-lowever, in precast prestressed concrete slab pavements with plenty of dowelled joints, pumping and...
Reconstruction of Concrete Pavements Using Rubblized Bases
Reconstruction of concrete pavements can be performed by fracturing the existing concrete slabs into small pieces in situ and then placing a leveling course and overlay. The fractured slabs provide a firm base for the new pavement. The technique is increasingly used for the reconstruction of concrete pavements where the...
Concrete Wheel Tracks – The Ecological and Economic Alternative in Rural Road Construction
The changes in the landscape happened during the last 40 years due to human activity have produced a slow change of mind. Therefore it is no wonder that also for road construction nature is taken more into account. The Concrete wheel track is a compromise. Firstly it prevents from covering...
Continuously Reinforced Semi-Rigid Pavements – Experiment and Development
The continuously-reinforced semi-rigid structure consists basically of a thick structural layer placed directly on the foundation when it is made of untreated, permeable materials, or on a draining layer of geotextile when it is treated. This layer is made of concrete having a low cement content and cracking is rnntrnlled...
Factors Affecting the Abrasion Wear of Concrete Pavements
This paper describes the application of a relatively simple and inexpensive laboratory test deiived Iiuiii ASTM procedure C779 for evaluating abrasion resistance of concrete surfaces. Factors affecting the reproducibility and precision of the test are quantified. The paper describes the use of the test to evaluate trial mixes of paving...