The use of concrete safety barriers is currently increasing considerably. The area of use, limited for a long time to urban or suburban carriageways, has now spread to the whole of the road network. The appearance of sites longer than 10km had led companies to work in a different manner,...
Evaluation and Maintenance of the Concrete Pavements on the Mediterranean Highway
The Mediterranean Highway has been in service for more than fifteen years, and we can state that the performance of the concrete paving has been overall excellent whether referring to its surface characteristics or its structural characteristics, except for those areas giving support where damage has taken place. The modifications...
Continously Reinforced Concrete Overlay on Highway E 40 Near Liege Belgium
During the last years, many CRCP overlays have been made in Belgium. One of them has been laid in 1988 on highway E 40 in the province of Liège (8,250 km). The paper gives the reasons of the choice of CRCP for the renewal of the highway and describes the...
Roller-Compacted Concrete as a Road Building Material in South Africa
Roller-compacted concrete (ReC) offers a solution to the vast number of good quality lowvolume roads which will have to be provided in the near future to accommodate South Africa's rapidly expanding rural road needs. The research effort presented in this paper involved a laboratory study and the construction and accelerated...
Moisture Effects on the Bahaviour of PCC Pavements
Results of immersion-drying laboratory lest on pavement con-crete pieces show that tbe deformations produced by internalmoisture variations are as important as those produced bytemperature changes. Indirect measurements of internal mois-ture in actual pavements demonstrate the predominant existenceof a moisture differential between the slab surface and bottom.The resulting upward warping in...
Aspects of Mechanistic Analysis of Lightly Cementitious Pavement Materials
Inthispaper compressionfailureasa resultof traffic loading in lightly cementitious pavement ma-terials is discussed. The investigation was donewith the aid of mechanistic analysis, and includesboth surface and depth deflection measurementson an actual pavement from which linear elasticmoduli values were backcaIculated. This wasdone to evaluate the «actual» stresses between therelatively thin surfacing and...
Optimizing the Surface Texture of Cement Concrete Roads
The growing concern about the influence of the road surface on traffic noise raises the problem of reducing the noisiness of cement concrete roads whilst keeping high skid resistance values. Studies on various aspects of tyre/road interaction con-ducted in the past ten years at the Belgian Road ResearchCentre provide basic...
The Application of Foamed Concrete For Pave~1ent Structures
In areas with a low bearing capacity of the soil it is very hard nd expensive to manage and maintain the road system. In eneral the common pavement structures are not able to resist uring its lifetime the deformation of the subsoil caused by the eavy weight of pavement structures....
Light-Traffic Roads in France Towards New Practices
Decentralization has brought about significantly renewed interest in France in investments for regional and local roads, their rehabilitation and maintenance. Many methodological tools have been developed in the past 10 years to prepare and accompany these trends in areas in which cement concrete had played a sinall relative part in...
The Use of 130 MPa Concrete in the Rehabilitation of an Old Pavement
lIn Norway, most every car is equipped with tires having small steel studs to improve the friction between the tire and road during the winter season. These studded tires have an enormous wearing effect on ordinary asphalt pavement.
Traffic Management Layouts with Improved Capacity For Major Roadworks Narrow Lanes and Tidal Flow Operations
The layout commonly used at major motorway sites in the United Kingdom is the full contra-flow, which carries two traffic lanes in each direction on one carriageway, releasing the other carriageway for reconstruction. To improve operational efficiency, two adaptations of this layout, which operate with a reversible (or tidal) lane,...
Use of Roller Compacted Concrete RCC in Norway
The first Ree full scale testing project in Norway took place in 1981. Since then appr. 260.000 m2 Ree have been placed. The use of Ree in roads in Norway has been directed by the following main principles: 1. Ree shall be a pavement with good bearing capacity, good resistance...