A new mix design methodology for roller compacted concrete (RCC) is described that involves preparing low and high density specimens at various (typically three) cement contents. For each specimen density is determined. Strengths (compressive and/or split tensile) are measured at various intervals (e.g., 1, 4, 7 and 28 days). Multiple...
Mix Design for Concrete Pavements Durability Options Based on the New European and Italian Standards
The provisions of the European Prestandard ENV 206 "Concrete - Performance, Production, Placing and Compliance Criteria" place the accent on the qualitative requirements (physical, chemical and mechanical ones) of a durable road concrete. The theoretical life of a rigid road pavement obviously r1.pends on the design and the quality control...
Concrete Slab Tracks for Railways
Due to the planning and construction of new high speed railways, the development and testing of the ballastless tracks, which started in Germany in the seventies, is now turning up again. The use of this almost mairitenailce free structure requires the assessment of the multi-layer system. For the slab track...
Reducing Traffic Noise on Cement Concrete Pavements
This paper concerns a joint research programme being undertaken by the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales (Australia) and the Cement and Concrete Association of Australia. The objective of the research is to develop quieter concrete road surfaces, whilst maintaining acceptable skid resistance, by modifying the surface texture...
The Influence of the Interface Friction Coefficient on Composite Concrete Pavement Performance
The paper discusses the role of non-destructive testing in pavement evaluation and the importance of bonding between its layers on back-calculated properties. Rigid composite pavement structures were analysed using the BISAR programme under different bonding coefficients (ks) between the asphalt and the concrete layers. The results indicate that: A small...
The Economy of Concrete Pavements in Finland – Finnish Method for Life Cycle Cost Analysis between Asphalt and Concrete Pavements
A cost comparison between different pavement types is based on the current value of the construction and maintenance costs and the annual costs of the road during its service life. A detailed technical-economic comparison between asphalt and concrete pavements should always be made when the ADT of the road >...
Use of Fast Track Concrete Construction in the USA
Fast track concrete pavement technology provides alternatives that can meet the public's demand for quick access to quality pavements. Fast track concrete pavement construction entails any method of accelerating construction. Some changes in tradicional use and consideration of certain aspects ot concrete pavement construction accompany fast track. However, fast track...
Recycling of Concrete for the Reconstruction of the Concrete Pavement of the Motorway Vienna – Salzburg
From 1991 to 1993 60 km of carriageway were reconstructed on the motorway Salzburg-Vienna, re-using the old concrete pavement 100% on the work-site. The fine material (0/4) that resulted when crushing the old pavement was added to the old granular subbase which without would have been too coarse-grained to be...
Wheel Tracks the Compromise between Agricultural and Environmental Interests
Changes in society are giving rise to growing objections to surfacing any more sand roads. These objections are provoked by the interest in the environment, countryside and cultural history. On the other hand, agricultural developmont calls for continued mechanization in order to reduce production costs. This means, among other things,...
Positive Results Obtained from CRCP Projects in France (1988-1991)
C.R.C.P. Technology has been selected by SAPRR in France foz its overlay programme on the heavy traffic Highway A6 Paris/Lyon. This programme started in 1983 with deformed bars Fe E500 with a steellconcrete section ratio 0,67%. Considering the logistic and safety problems on
Reuse of Alkali Damaged Road Concrete in Cement Bound Road Bases
Aggregates were obtained from an alkali-silica damaged concrete road slab aggregates and used for road base concrete with different kinds of cement (low alkali cement, high alkali cement). After analysing the samples produced with these mixes, which were exposed for up to one year to different hardening conditions, no alkali-silika...
Concrete Overlay Thickness Design Based on FWD Deflections for Airports
Since the overlay thickness must be decided considerinq the structural condition of the existing pavement, FWD was introduced to evaluate the mechanical properties and to obtain input data for the overlay design. In the case of concrete overlays for concrete pavements, the overlay thickness depends on the existing slab thickness...