Judgment of Compaction Degree of Rccp by Using Acceleration Waves on Vibrating Roller and Influence of Subgrade Bearing Capacity on It

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The acceleration wave of the vibrating compactor under work is disturbed from the sine wave. In this research, the disturbance of acceleration wave was defined as degree of disturbance WD, the relation between compacting time, hearing capacity of ground, consistency of concrete, compaction degree of concrete, strength of concrete and...

Experiences on the Non Destructive Testing Directed at the Weak Point in the Semi-Rigid Pavement on the A-92 Dual Carriageway

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The nondestructive testing for bearing capacity of semi-rigid pavements must be similar to the rigid pavements one. So the nondestructive testing of the transversal cracks, the weak point, is the best way to do it.

Fast Track Paving in Vienna

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Opening concrete pavements to traffic the day after placing has been a routine practice in Vienna for many years, but increasing traffic requires even shorter closure times. On motorways even a single lane can be closed to traffic only at night or at weekends. With a w/c of 0,35 and...

Implementation of Ultra-Thin Whitetopping in Florida

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In 1996, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) started a research project to evaluate design, construction and performance of the ultra-thin whitetopping on asphalt pavements. Three UTW test tracks were constructed at the FDOT research facility in Gainesville, Florida. The design of the UTW test tracks included thicknesses ranging from...

High Performance Porous Concrete for Road Traffic

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This report details the construction of a 300 m long experimental section of road for heavy traffic in Villamayor, Salamanca, Spain, using "high performance porous concrete" (HPPC). HPPC is made with the same materials as conventional compact concrete (Ccc), i.e. cement (two types have been used for this project), coarse...

The Behavior of Concrete Block Pavements

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In 1981 to 1985 and 1993/94 static and dynamic tests on block pavements were carried out on a 1:1 scale at the professorship of Road Construction at the Technical University of Dresden. The pavements were loaded with a plate bearing test equipment (approx. 0.7 N/mm 2) with a static stress...

Concrete Pavement on a Crushed Aggregate Unbound Roadbase a New Design for Heavy Traffic Motorways

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The construction method involving the placement of a 30 cm-thick concrete roadway pavement on a 30 cm-thick crushed aggregate unbound roadbase instead of a 2.6 cm-thick concrete pavement on a bound roadbase has proved its worth in Germany for more than 10 years, generally for heavy-traffic motorways. It has several...

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements – from a Classical Conception to An Innovative Structure

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Continuously Reinforced Concrete (CRC), invented in the United-States in 1921, has been developing in France since 1983, in the following contexts: - New constructions (50 km of motorway) The structures chosen are alternately: • CRC + lean concrete • CRC + bituminous concrete + stabilized capping layer - Strengthening of...

The Belgian Experience with Stabilisation by Recycling in Situ with Cement

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The paper presents the progress to date of various worksites where stabilisation by recycling in situ with cement has been applied. This technique, which is the best way of recycling the existing road, consists in fact in mixing on site cement with the readily available crushed stones. It requires little...

Advancements in Continuous Concrete Plants

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Since 1975, the year in which the first continuous concrete plant was introduced for a road construction project, the use of a continuous production process has become more widespread, and even generalized, in France. Applications in other European countries have started to appear, yet do remain in the nascent stages....

Flexural Strength of High Performance Concrete

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High strength concrete (HSC) having a flexural strength considerably higher than that of ordinary pavement concrete would be a suitable material - to replace only a single lane of concrete pavement deteriorated by heavy duty traffic (see Fig. 1) or - for constructing new pavement for high load with limited...

Concreting Bombay Metropolis Roads in India

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Deterioration of Bombay Metropolis roads during rainy season is a perpetual phenomenon. During the monsoon of 1988, the major roads constructed with hydrocarbon binders suffered severe damage causing great inconvenience to the users. In view of the mounting pressure from the public, at large the municipal authorities decided to switch...