The dynamic response of highway bridges subjected to moving truckloads is observed to be dependent on dynamic characteristics of the bridge, vehicle dynamics, and road surface roughness profile. Road roughness and the bump at bridge entrance between bridge and concrete approach slabs are the major contributors to the dynamic amplification...
Reasons for Cracking of the Cement Concrete Pavements from Strong and Frost-Resistant Concrete
World practice (USA, Germany) has already noted the cases of continuous cracking of the surface layers of cement concrete pavements. Continuous cracking becomes evident several years later after completing construction and results, as a rule, in deterioration of the performance characteristics of the pavements. The paper shows the results of...
The Effect of Moist Curing on the Properties of Concretes Made by Pozzolanic Cements
The strength development and permeability properties of two concretes prepared with natural pozzolanic cements, Trass Cement (TC) and Blended Cement (BC), were investigated and compared with those of an Ordinary Portland Cement (PC) concrete under varying water-curing periods. The mix design of concretes was made with an equal strength base...
Full Scale Pavement Tests of Exposed Concrete Aggregates: Acoustical Aspects and Friction Characteristics
Traffic-noise pollution has become an issue for many road authorities. Applying measures at the source i.e. interaction surface and wheel are an effective noise abatement measure and many quiet surfaces have been developed in the last decade. A relative silent surfacing is a concrete surface of exposed aggregates. The Dutch...
Twin-Layer Continuously Reinforced Concrete Surfacing at Estaimpuis on the N511
Durability, the absence of deformations and a low level of maintenance when the road structure has been correctly designed and implemented are the features which are generally unanimously approved as regards the qualities of cement concrete surfacing. In contrast, comfort and driving noise are the characteristics which lead to the...
New Economical Structures Made of Thin Composite Whitetopping
In 1996 a new pavement structure was launched in France under the name « Béton de Ciment Mince Collé (thin composite whitetopping) », BCMC. This technique was an adaptation of the Ultra Thin Whitetopping (UTW) developed in the USA since 1990. But while in the USA this technique was mainly...
Analyses of the Effects of the Nonhomogeneous Properties of Subbase on the Concrete Slab
In standard, commonly used, calculation methods for rigid pavement structures, the interaction between plate and subgrade is pressumed to be uniform. During pavement construction and its use different reasons can cause subgrade damage and loss of support between the plate and base (subgrade). Subgrade damage can be caused because of...
The Use of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Overlays in Motorway Maintenance (A Case Study)
How do you undertake the repair of a jointed concrete carriageway on one of the busiest motorways in Europe, particularly when a large proportion of the joints have failed and the slabs are floating on a sea of Gault Clay. With differential settlements so severe that there was genuine concern...
Life Costing and Reliability Concepts in Concrete Pavement Design: the South African Approach
An empirical concrete pavement design method, based on mechanistic principles, was developed for use by the general practitioner. It was recognized that the outcome of the design process should not concern only layer characteristics and risk of failure, but also the area of pavement possibly afflicted by a particular mode...
Porous Concrete/ Laboratory Versus Field Experience
Porous concrete is used as top layer on highway roads to obtain noise reducing and permeable pavements. An extensive laboratory investigation has been executed to obtain an optimum mixture composition for the use as top layer on highway roads. This comprises a good resistance against heavy traffic, no rooting and...
Road Concrete with Screenings of Igneous Rocks
The use of screenings of igneous rocks containing the dust-like particles (not more than 10% by weight) extends the list of efficient aggregates for the pavement concretes. The peculiarities of the grain size distribution of screenings, namely, an increased content (up to 10% and over) of dust-like particles and specific...
Geotechnical Properties of Cement Stabilized Class-F Fly Ash
The geotechnical properties of cement added class-F fly ash have been investigated to assess the potential utilization of stabilized fly ash as embankment material. The engineering properties of the cement stabilized class-F fly ash studied include the compaction, strength characteristics and the durability as measured by wetting and drying tests....