Movement of Unanchored Terminus of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Highways Members Only

The longitudinal displacements of the terminus of the continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) without the terminal anchor lug system were measured and analyzed to investigate the maximum terminal joint width and the necessity of the anchor lug system. The terminal movements under environmental loads were measured at the CRCP sections...

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement with Asphalt Top Layer or Surface Texture from Diamond Grinding- the Trial Site on Motorway A94

Highways Members Only

For many years, the traffic volumes and percentage of heavy traffic on German roads and motorways have steadily increased and this trend is expected to continue in the future. To guarantee mobility in the future, road construction with a maximum service life and a minimum of necessary maintenance are needed....

Concrete in Roundabout Design

Highways Members Only

The paper describes the actual possibilities of using concrete pavement in a roundabout. Concrete may be better material for aprons than conventional cobblestones. It can be better for both durability of the road and for road safety. If heavy vehicles often pass through the cobblestone pavement in the apron, the...

CRCP with Ground Texture – Experiences and Results of the Geseke Access Road Pilot Project

Highways Members Only

In 2009, an innovative road pavement "Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement with Ground Texture" was successfully realised by HeidelbergCement AG with the pilot project, "Geseke access road ". In an extensive measurement programme, long-term measurements are being made over a period of 5 years to investigate the behaviour of the carriageway...

Concrete Pavement on Bicycle Trails

Highways Members Only

On the beginning of third millennium we, in the Czech Republic, can also notice a big construction boom in the area of bicycle roads and trails. The rehabilitation of existing roads, temporary solutions (e.g. traffic sign placement) overweight the others. Other systematic approaches are also built and they bring a...

Optimization of the Recycling of Concrete in Concrete Application to an Airport Slab

Airports Members Only

The use of demolished concrete as recycled aggregate in new concrete is a promising solution within the context of sustainable development. However, this application is still limited in the construction sector due to the lack of knowledge. In that context, Ifsttar (France) and the French industry's major players have finished...

Design of Concrete Slabs with Optimized Geometry

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A new methodology has been developed to design the concrete slab thickness by optimizing the slab size given the geometry of the truck axles, the design is based on an unbonded system with either granular, HMA, Stabilized or Concrete Base. The key principle of the design method is to configure...

A Comparative Study of Test Methods for the Resistance of Concrete to Freeze-Thaw Cycles

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Resistance to freeze-thaw cycles is an important factor for the durability of concrete roads and structures in an outdoor environment. In many European countries, current national standards for concrete exposed to frost are limited to the composition of the mixture: minimum cement content, maximum water-cement ratio, and in some cases...

Warming of Urban Street Surfaces During Summer Heat Waves

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The global warming of our planet has a special impact on urban areas, because large cities are characteristic for the development of so-called urban heat islands. This modification of the climate of a city in comparison to the climate of their hinterland is based on a multiplicity of factors like...

Whitetopping with Ultra-Thin Layers of High and Ultra High Performance Concrete

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For decades, damaged asphalt or concrete pavements in the U.S. were repaired by applying the "whitetopping“ technique. This measure covers the damaged pavement with a new layer of a thickness between 15 and 25 cm, in order to re-establish its viability and safety to traffic. In a research project by...

The Design of URC, Heavy Duty Slip-Formed Concrete Pavement for a Port Environment

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The design of heavy duty pavements for ports and harbours is becoming an important concrete pavement application. This paper summarises Ove Arup & Partners’ experience in completing the design of heavy-duty container port pavements. The paper outlines a practical set of calculations complete with a standard, jointed unreinforced concrete (URC),...

Concrete Pavements for Dedicated Lanes for Buses

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A great number of cities, looking for a sustainable and attractive urban transport regarding speed, reliability and service quality, are promoting public transport on dedicated lanes, either with railway systems or with buses. Due to their versatility and lower construction and operating costs, buses become more interesting than railway systems....