Key Components in Long Term Sustainability of Concrete Pavement Systems & Sustainability Considerations for PCC Pavement Design and Construction

Highways, Industrial, Local Government Members Only

This paper addresses key issues regarding important factors affecting the sustainability and long-term performance of PCC pavement structures. Key distress types and their associated features are discussed in terms of their effect on performance and sustainabilityin terms of specific pavement components. Relevantmaterialproperties are also identified and discussed as to how...

ASCP 2nd Concrete Pavements Conference 2013

Highways, Industrial, Local Government Free

ASCP Presentation 001 Conference Overture John Hodgkinson ASCP Paper 01 ASCP Presentation 01 Construction of the New Silk Road (Western China to Western Europe Transport Corridor) David Dash ASCP Paper 02 Key Components in Long Term Sustainability of Concrete Pavement Systems Dan Zollinger ASCP Presentation 02 Sustainability Considerations for PCC...