
Long-Time Observations of Contracfion Joint Opening in Concrete Pavements Measurement and Evaluation


Long-time measurements of contraction joint opening were performed during a 25-year period for several pavement systems [concrete full depth construction, concrete pavement on a temperature insulated, cement treated (CTS) and bituminous subbase]. The data obtained were analyzed and the mean opening of the joints, the standard deviation, the coefficient of...

The Asturias Motorway Balance of Its First 15 Years Under Traffic


The Asturias motorway, called «y» -asturiana, links the three most important cities in Asturias. It has 43 km of continuously reinforced concrete pavement and was built during 1974and 1975.The behaviour of the motorway up to now has been very good in spite of the rainy weather and the unfavourable geology....

Evaluation and Maintenance of the Concrete Pavements on the Mediterranean Highway


The Mediterranean Highway has been in service for more than fifteen years, and we can state that the performance of the concrete paving has been overall excellent whether referring to its surface characteristics or its structural characteristics, except for those areas giving support where damage has taken place. The modifications...

Load Transfer Restoration LCPC Freyssinet Connector


The LCPCIFREYSSINET slab connector is an innovating device allowing load transfer restauration of concrete roads submitted to pumping effects. It is constittïed by two synietrical half-shells in cast iron glued to a central elastomeric pad and contains an adjusted steel-pin which slides freely within housings machined in the shells, making...

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany


Closing ceremony from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany


Indexes, General Reports and Additional Contributions from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany


Index of Papers and Opening from Addresses from the 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

Pavement monitoring and heavy maintenance on the Geneva-Lausanne motorway


The Geneva - Lausanne moeorway, which was commissioned in 1964, comprises about ~5 km of concrete pavement consisting of 20 cm thick doweled slabs (10m x 4m) resting on a non-stabilized 55 cm thick gravel-sand sub-base (0 -100 mm particle size). The subgrade consists of non-stabilized natural insieu soils as...

Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Concrete Roads


For the repair of concrete roads to be effective and economic it is essential to have planned maintenance procedure. Details of such a procedure are to be published in the forthcoming publication "Manual for the Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Roads" ,which is to be adopted for roads administered by...

Recommendation for the maintenance of concrete roads in the Federal Republic of Germany


The "Code of practice for the maintenance of concrete roads" ("Merkblatt für die Erhaltung von Betonstrassen") was published in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1985. It is based on the 1968 edition, but clearly reflects further developments in maintenance techniques, e. g., improved drainage. The code forms part of...

Surface treatment of limestone concrete slab with the chipping technique


Since 1980 the technique of pavement construction with thick concrete slabs has been applied on 100 km of the A.26 motorway (Calais - Reims) in northern France. The concrete employed is made with regional limestone aggregates. In order to counteract lowered skidding resistance due to wear of these materials, a...

Continuous quality control of high performance concretes for road – within the framework of site supervision – using a new field tested BASIC-MC programme


Introduction and statement 'of problems: This paper closes the gap in concrete highway engineering technology by evaluating complex compactionphenomena and by deriving mathematical relationships between the concrete-technological, dynamic (thixotropic- plasticized) and physical parameters. It is based on the latest experience, e.g., including the construction of the concrete pavements of the...