A survey of European concrete road construction is presented on the occasion of the fifth International Symposium on Concrete Roads. The Synoptic Table 1986 c~nta~ns in tabul~r form the principal data and guidel~ nes for the des~gn and construction of motorways and other roads of con~rete in 15 European countries....
Developments in concrete road construction – European survey
Strengthening with concrete on the Nationale 6 in the Yonne County
For the "Nationale 6" thickening between Auxerre and Cravant, the concrete pavement solution, in competition with traditional techniques, is particularly interesting on the economic point of view and held the Head District Equipment attention in agreement with the French Road Management. The strenghening technique consisted in implementing by 4 m...
Experience with thin bonded cement-bound overlays in Austria
In Austria bonded overlays only 35 mm thick are made using a superplasticized concrete with a wie - ratio of 0.35 . The overlay has to be moist-cured. For thicknesses of only 20 mm a special latex addition is used. For good bond the concrete is brushed vigorously with a...
Design and construction of noise-abatement devices along roads
Roads now ofcen have to be provided wich noise control scructures, those most commonly employed being earthbanks, steep-faced banks, acoustic screens and noise reduccion barriers. Large installations and special structures for noise control purposes are more rarely encountered. "Steep-faced banks", which occupy less space than earth-banks, consist of a supporting...
UK practice for the design and construction of concrete roads
1.1 Concrete roads constructed in the enited Kingdom based on the advice contained J.n Road Note 29 (3rd Edition) 1970 have generally proved to be satisfactory in that as far as is known there have been no failure of slabs due to traffic loading. l'lhere failures have occurred these have...
Design and construction of continuously reinforced concrete composite pavement for the A63 South Docks Road Hull
The paper describes the approach adopted for the design and construction of a continuously reinforced concrete road base (CRCB) pavement for a major trunk road proect in the north-east region of the United Kingdom. The trunk road, known as the South Docks Road, is currently under construction and programmed for...
Thin continuously reinforced concrete and steel fibre reinforced concrete overlays – Performance assessment after two and three years in service
Seven experimental sections of thin overlay construction on old concrete and asphalt road pavements have been built in Belgium since 1982. These comprise a total area of 107 000 m2 of fibre reinforced concrete (five sections) of la cm and 12 cm thickness and 34000 m2 of continuously reinforced concrete...
New Jersey type safety barriers – Experiences in Belgium
This paper reports the experience gained by the Highways Department in Belgium in the construction of so-called New Jersey safety barriers during the past few years. First the reasons why the Ministry of Public Works gave up the more traditional protection systems such as steel or aluminium safety fences are...
New guidelines for the standardization of pavement structures 1986 edition (RStO 1986) – Comparative study at European level
The new standardization guidelines RStO 86 contain rules for the surfacing of roads and other trafficked areas with bituminous, concrete or block pavements, for fully cement-bound pavements as well as for cycle tracks and footpaths. Six pavement construction classes are distinguished, depending on traffic loading. For determining the construction class,...
An assesment of interlocking concrete block pavements
A number of interlocking concrete block pavements (lCBP's) in applications ranging from residential streets to a quarry access road have been monitored. This wc.rkhas included the changing nature of the block layer; particularly its stiffness. The latter quali ty has been assessed by means of the force required to remove...
Pavement monitoring and heavy maintenance on the Geneva-Lausanne motorway
The Geneva - Lausanne moeorway, which was commissioned in 1964, comprises about ~5 km of concrete pavement consisting of 20 cm thick doweled slabs (10m x 4m) resting on a non-stabilized 55 cm thick gravel-sand sub-base (0 -100 mm particle size). The subgrade consists of non-stabilized natural insieu soils as...
State of the art of concrete safety barriers
In 1976 the ~ew Jerey concrete safety barrier and the experience gained internationally with it was for the first time brought to the attention of interested persons in highway authorities, research and industry in the Federal Republic of Germany. Four years later, the first pilot projects were implemeneed in this...