
Survey of drainage methods for concrete road pavements


In the Federal Republic of Germany, as in other countr~ es, concrete road pavements have in recent years been affected by deteriorative damage which is attributable to Lhe presence of wa ter in the pavement. lnvestigations which the Federal lnstitutefor Highway Englneerlng (Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen) started in 1981 aimed at...

Effect of the distribution of air entrained in superplasticized and high workability concrete for traffic areas


For obtaining a high degree of resistance to the action of frost and de-icing salts on concrete, it is essential to have an adequate content of air-filled micropores adjusted to the amount of fine-grained mortar in the mix. With QOI1ventional road concrete, correctly made, it can be presumed that if...

Noise protection walls (Design and construction)


Since 1972 between 250,000 and 300,000 m2 of acoustic screening (noise reduction) barriers have been built in France, i.e., 70 - 80 km of such structures of medium height (2 - 6 m), along the roads. They have been installed under a policy of both road and rail traffic noise...

Fatigue experiments for the design of plain concrete pavements


In the design of plain (unrelonforced) concrete pavements the influences of traffic and temperature, among others, are taken 1.nto account. These sue j ect, the pavements to load var1.a1:.l.onBse.cause the traffl.c comprises vehicles widely differing wheel loads, the loading pattern due to it is very erratl.c: the frequency dnd...

Construction and performance of concrete pavements in Bavaria


For economic and environmental reasons various motorways in Bavaria" have been provided with concrete pavements in recent years. In this form of construction the concrete slab and cement-bound sub-base are laid direct on the subgrade. On two new sections, near Regensburg CA 3) and near Rothenburg CA 7), the so-called...

Construction of airfield pavements with concrete


Larger aircraft, heavier lo~ds, in~reasing numbers of load repetitions, but e8pec~ally s~ngle wheel loads of about 33 tonnes have given rise to d~age which has similarly affected airfields all over th~ world. The damage is in part due to the sub-base be1ng too weak and to lack of shear transfer...

Concrete safety barriers: conditions of utilisation


The theme of safety for the vehicles on the road is very important and involves problems of several kinds. A system to limit the damages produced by the road accidents consists in placing at the edges of the road fixed and continuous obstacles which are called "safety barriers". In Italy,...

Concrete pavements without and with dowels


The deformation behaviour of a transverse joint, without and with dowel bars, under the passage of a wheel, as calculated with the aid of Westergaard's formulae /1/ is represented in fig. 1. This shows that when there are no dowel bars and no aggregate interlock across the crack (efficiency index...

Spanish experiences in roller compacted concrete pavements in the years 1984-85


Roller compacted concrete pavements have been used in e~ght experiences, with about 100,000 m2 paved in d1fferent parts of the country and diverse orographical and ~limatological conditions(Barcelona, Valencia, Valladol1d, Leon, Sevilla and Zaragoza). According to the same standard specifications, pavements have been built with different material properties, concrete mixing procedures...

Continuously reinforced concrete overlays on various French motorways Constraints of a technical nature and due to the organisation of sites operating under traffic


The construction of continuously reinforced concrete overlays across the full carriageway width on busy motorways involves the need to make certain technical choices with respect to the materials employed (especially the cement), the plant and methods for carrying out the work and the organization and planning of the job, having...

Cement concrete safety barriers


Since 1974 some 1000 km of concrete safecy barriers of the New Jersey Cali£ornian type have been built in France, where these structures are known by the designations D.B.A., G.B.A. and L.B.A. These barriers, whether installed on the central reserve or along the outer edges of roads and motorways. are...

Developments in concrete road construction – European survey


A survey of European concrete road construction is presented on the occasion of the fifth International Symposium on Concrete Roads. The Synoptic Table 1986 c~nta~ns in tabul~r form the principal data and guidel~ nes for the des~gn and construction of motorways and other roads of con~rete in 15 European countries....