This paper describes the application of a relatively simple and inexpensive laboratory test deiived Iiuiii ASTM procedure C779 for evaluating abrasion resistance of concrete surfaces. Factors affecting the reproducibility and precision of the test are quantified. The paper describes the use of the test to evaluate trial mixes of paving...
Factors Affecting the Abrasion Wear of Concrete Pavements
Enlargement Works at the Airport of Liege (Belgium)
The airport of LiOge in Belgium has been the subject of major works for several yearjSince the country was regionalized a few years ago, the Wlloon Region has invested over 1,5 milliard Bel g ian francs. Several new buildings have already been constructed.rThe most spectacular wor, however,lTs the enlargement of...
The Influence of the Interface Friction Coefficient on Composite Concrete Pavement Performance
The paper discusses the role of non-destructive testing in pavement evaluation and the importance of bonding between its layers on back-calculated properties. Rigid composite pavement structures were analysed using the BISAR programme under different bonding coefficients (ks) between the asphalt and the concrete layers. The results indicate that: A small...
The Economy of Concrete Pavements in Finland – Finnish Method for Life Cycle Cost Analysis between Asphalt and Concrete Pavements
A cost comparison between different pavement types is based on the current value of the construction and maintenance costs and the annual costs of the road during its service life. A detailed technical-economic comparison between asphalt and concrete pavements should always be made when the ADT of the road >...
Development of a Prectrnssing Method for Joints of Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavement Slabs
As precast prestressed concrete pavement slabs with high strength are resistant to abrasion and enable fast construction, they have been increasingly used in Japan instead of the conventional pavements, especially in heavy traffic roads and airfields. 1-lowever, in precast prestressed concrete slab pavements with plenty of dowelled joints, pumping and...
Urban and Pen-Urban Porous Pavements
The control of disturbances (noise, flooding, runoff water pollution, etc.) nowadays constitutes a major preoccupation of local populations. The roadway, in the diversity of the functions it performs in the urban and pen-urban scctor, can contnibutc activcly to the control of such disturbances. Porous pavements constitute a valuable area of...
Changes of Ultrasonic Characteristics in Concrete Road Surfaces
To determine the concrete strength of a road surface the authors of this paper have used an ultrasonic method. In this method, longitudinal waves are directed to a concrete slab by means of transducers applied to the upper surface of the slab. If the propagation time and the distance between...
Spanish Practice and Experience with Longitudinal Finish
Since slip-form payers were introduced in Spain in 1930, more than 1.400 km of two-lane concrete pavements have been constructed with them. A proportion exceeding 90% of the total has been provided with longitudinal finishes, using different methods: burlap, plastic-bristled brushes, metal -tined combs, etc. In all cases, surfaces with...
Jointed Concrete Pavement Mechanistic Design – An Approach to ReLiability Calibration
The design of jointed concrete pavement (JCP) using mechanistic-empirical concepts must incorporate a systems approach in considering material and traffic variability with respect to design and calibration in a mathematically consistent manner. Calibration procedures are necessary to insure the prerequisite accuracy in the design calculation and estImate of pavernelil. peIIuIIIIdlIlx....
Whole Life Costing of Road Pavements The Way Ahead
This paper considers the role of whole life costing in the management process for the road network and explores the background to current interest in England. It describes the development of the computer model, COMPARE, for assessing the whole life costs of bituminous and concrete pavement options. The key components...
Early Trafficking of Concrete Pavements – Practical Experience
Fast track paving has been a daily routine in Vienna since the early 80ies. To meet the requirements for opening to traffic (flexural strength at least 3.85 N/mm 2 ) quickly, super-plasticized concrete with a w/c-ratio below 0.42 is used and opened to traffic the second day after placing. If...
Cement Concrete Structures in the Design of Urban Roadways
Urban roadways represent considerable stakes from both the quantitative and qualitative standpoints, with the almost permanent concern today for integration with respect to the site and to users of public spaces. A non-exhaustive review of the trends in practices and tools available to designers, builders and managers of urban roadways...