
Performance Engineered Mixtures for Concrete Pavements in the US

Highways Members Only

Many concrete pavement mixtures in the US are proportioned based on recipes that have been used before, or on prescriptive specifications. As budgets grow tighter and increasing attention is being paid to sustainability metrics, greater attention is beginning to be focused on making mixtures that are more efficient in their...

The Role of Quality Assurance in Delivering Long–Life Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

The fundamental goal behind any pavement design and construction project is to provide a system that will survive the predicted traffic and environment for the selected lifetime. Considerable effort is paid to the structural design of a pavement in order to reach that goal. On the other hand, the concrete...

Precast Concrete Pavement Innovations, Performance and Best Practices

Highways Members Only

The precast concrete pavement (PCP) technology is gaining wider acceptance in the US for rapid repair and rehabilitation of concrete pavements as well as for heavily trafficked asphalt concrete intersections. Although the US PCP technology is of recent origin, with projects less than about 12 years old, many projects have...

Sustainable Concrete Pavement Design Solutions Applied on the Largest PPP Motorway Construction Project in Europe

Highways Members Only

The authors present the sustainable pavement design solutions applied on 106 km long section of A2 toll motorway in Poland. For this largest infrastructure project, realized in the frame of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), the concession model, where the concessionaire has to be paid by public part for the accessibility of...

Operation Experiences on Concrete Pavements During the Last 10 Years in Hungary

Highways Members Only

Since the middle of 90s in Hungary the permanent deformations of semi-rigid asphalt pavements have become a major problem due to increasing traffic and changing climate conditions. It has been a particular challenge concerning the M0 motorway around Budapest exposed to the most serious heavy vehicle traffic. The preceding test...

Probabilistic Life-Cycle Cost of Pavements Characterization and Application of Parameter Input Variation for Scenarios

Highways Members Only

Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) evaluates the economic performance of alternative pavement investments. Currently, practitioners treat input parameters as static, deterministic values, which although computationally simpler, will hide the implicit uncertainty underlying the analysis. Over the past decade, an emphasis has been placed upon accounting for uncertainty by treating input...

A Framework for a New Protocol for Evaluating Concrete Curing Effectiveness

Highways Members Only

Excessive early early-age concrete surface moisture evaporation can be a source of key issues in the paving of concrete pavemen t, such as plastic shrinkage cracking and spalling related delamination; the use of liquid membrane membrane-forming curing compounds is one of the most prevalent methods to protect hydrating concrete surfaces...

Influence of Test Specimen Compaction and Curing Condition for Pavement Cold Recycled Mixtures

Highways Members Only

Presently in most European countries the quality of cold recycling mixtures in pavement rehabilitation is proven by achieving required strength values (indirect tensile strength or compressive strength) and eventually by values of stiffness modulus (IT-CY test method). This empirical approach of quality assessment is quite simple, relatively fast in performance...

Importance of Correct Dowel Positions in Transversal Joints of Rigid Pavements

Highways Members Only

Positions of dowels and tie bars in jointed unreinforced concrete pavements and the importance of their correct placement on pavement behaviour and lifespan was studied as a part of R&D project of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic No. TA02031195 and TE01020168. Laboratory concrete beams with in-built dowels in different...

Skid Resistance-Improvement Measures on Concrete Roads in Austrian Road Tunnels

Highways Members Only

The results of the investigation concerning the loss of skid resistance on Austrian tunnel roads are presented in this poster as well as the results of trials to improve the skid resistance level in the laboratory. Best results were achieved through cleaning the road surface in the tunnel with tailor...

The Use of Fast-Setting Concretes for Airport Repairs

Airports Members Only

A frequently noted disadvantage of cement concrete pavements is repair time. For further application of this technology, it was necessary to eliminate this disadvantage and significantly reduce repair time. Therefore, Skanska developed the "Fast-setting concrete technology". In-house development commenced in 2005. MC Bauchemie, design engineers and investor representatives also participated....

Improvements to the Construction Process for Semi-Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation on Mexican Highways

Highways Members Only

The Mexican Federal Government has allocated a great deal of investment to the maintenance of pavements across the existing road network (in 2010 and 2011, this investment amounted to €7,860M and €7,894M respectively). During the 1990s, a pavement system was introduced in Mexico involving the incorporation of Portland cement using...