
UK practice for the design and construction of concrete roads

Highways Members Only

1.1 Concrete roads constructed in the enited Kingdom based on the advice contained J.n Road Note 29 (3rd Edition) 1970 have generally proved to be satisfactory in that as far as is known there have been no failure of slabs due to traffic loading. l'lhere failures have occurred these have...

Developments in concrete road construction – European survey

Highways Members Only

A survey of European concrete road construction is presented on the occasion of the fifth International Symposium on Concrete Roads. The Synoptic Table 1986 c~nta~ns in tabul~r form the principal data and guidel~ nes for the des~gn and construction of motorways and other roads of con~rete in 15 European countries....

Concrete pavements without and with dowels

Highways Members Only

The deformation behaviour of a transverse joint, without and with dowel bars, under the passage of a wheel, as calculated with the aid of Westergaard's formulae /1/ is represented in fig. 1. This shows that when there are no dowel bars and no aggregate interlock across the crack (efficiency index...

Fatigue experiments for the design of plain concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

In the design of plain (unrelonforced) concrete pavements the influences of traffic and temperature, among others, are taken 1.nto account. These sue j ect, the pavements to load var1.a1:.l.onBse.cause the traffl.c comprises vehicles widely differing wheel loads, the loading pattern due to it is very erratl.c: the frequency dnd...

Structural design of concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

Under present economic conditions the use of bitumen is being reduced as much as possible. For more than twenty years the application of semi-rigid pavements has revealed the drawbacks but also the advantages of such structures. The chief advantage is their low cost, which can be further reduced if the...

Connecting devices between concrete road pavements and existing highway structures

Highways Members Only

Civil engineering structures, such as bridges, flyovers and underbridges, are discontinuities in a concrete road. Usually, the concrete pavement has to be cut across and in those cases, such as small underbridges, where the concrete pavement can be laid without any discontinuity, differential settlements between embankment and structure have to...

Results of measurements on concrete roads

Highways Members Only

Besides theoretical work, investigations on specimens in the l~boratory and practical tests, in-situ measurements provide the means of assessing and further developing new concrete pavement systems. It emerges that, apart from the behaviour of a c?nc7e~e pavement at an early age (random cracking), s~gn4flcant changes (e.g., sinking, opening of joints....