In che paper, results are presented of laboratory research and applications in practice of concrete and masonry waste as aggregates for concrete. In a thorough study the amounts, composicion and relevant properties of the waste were investigated. Based on the results of tests in the laboratory and of full scale,...
Use of slags in concrete pavements and sub-bases
Industrial by-products have long been used in French road construction. Experience gained over the last twenty years with che extensive use of by-product gravel-sand stabilized with hydraulic binders as a sub-base material, as well as the results of highway engineering practice in neighbouring countries like Germany and Belgi~prompted the LPC...
Use of residues from the incineration of domestic wastes and other residual matters mixed with cement in road construction
The incineration of household refuse in the Federal Republic of Germany yields up to about 3.5 million tonnes of residual waste per year. About 90% of this consists of grate ash and about 10% of fly-ash, the latter mostly being collected in electrostatic precipitators. The grate ash consists chiefly of...
State of the art of concrete safety barriers
In 1976 the ~ew Jerey concrete safety barrier and the experience gained internationally with it was for the first time brought to the attention of interested persons in highway authorities, research and industry in the Federal Republic of Germany. Four years later, the first pilot projects were implemeneed in this...
Construction of concrete noise protection barriers
The finalizing of the Federal German-law relating to pollution and nuisance control (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz) in April 1974 was an important step in the implementation of active noise control measures. The "Guidelines for traffic noise control on Federal interregional highways" published by the Federal German Minister of Transport in August 1983 establishes...
New Jersey type safety barriers – Experiences in Belgium
This paper reports the experience gained by the Highways Department in Belgium in the construction of so-called New Jersey safety barriers during the past few years. First the reasons why the Ministry of Public Works gave up the more traditional protection systems such as steel or aluminium safety fences are...
Design and construction of noise-abatement devices along roads
Roads now ofcen have to be provided wich noise control scructures, those most commonly employed being earthbanks, steep-faced banks, acoustic screens and noise reduccion barriers. Large installations and special structures for noise control purposes are more rarely encountered. "Steep-faced banks", which occupy less space than earth-banks, consist of a supporting...
Cement concrete safety barriers
Since 1974 some 1000 km of concrete safecy barriers of the New Jersey Cali£ornian type have been built in France, where these structures are known by the designations D.B.A., G.B.A. and L.B.A. These barriers, whether installed on the central reserve or along the outer edges of roads and motorways. are...
Concrete safety barriers: conditions of utilisation
The theme of safety for the vehicles on the road is very important and involves problems of several kinds. A system to limit the damages produced by the road accidents consists in placing at the edges of the road fixed and continuous obstacles which are called "safety barriers". In Italy,...
Noise protection walls (Design and construction)
Since 1972 between 250,000 and 300,000 m2 of acoustic screening (noise reduction) barriers have been built in France, i.e., 70 - 80 km of such structures of medium height (2 - 6 m), along the roads. They have been installed under a policy of both road and rail traffic noise...
Economic appraisal of cement concrete versus asphaltic concrete pavements
1. Introduction Since 1962 no cement concrete had been used in the governmental road sy~tem as a paving material. After 1975 the need to use this material again was felt more and more. Somewhere about 1982, during the decision making period regardi~g the type of pavement to be chosen for...
Recommendation for the maintenance of concrete roads in the Federal Republic of Germany
The "Code of practice for the maintenance of concrete roads" ("Merkblatt für die Erhaltung von Betonstrassen") was published in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1985. It is based on the 1968 edition, but clearly reflects further developments in maintenance techniques, e. g., improved drainage. The code forms part of...