
New Concrete Pavement Structures in the Revision of the French Catalogue of New Pavements and in the Technical Guide of Overlays

Highways Members Only

The documents for conception and design of new and reinforcement works on the French national road network were updated in 1988to take into account new pavement designs and techniques: dowelled slabs, continuously reinforced concrete, thick slabs on porous course, cement processed materials subbases. The article explains: - the development of...

A New Design Method For Control of Cracking in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Highways Members Only

Reinforcement stress and crack width has been in-vestigated in full scale experimental pavement ofContinuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement forthree years. The validity of designequation for pre-dicting crack width distributed through the thick-ness of the slab and reinforcement stress etc.,which is based on bond stress -slip relationshipconsidering the effect of both concrete...

Considerations in the Design of Jointed Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

This paper provides considerations, recommendations, and guidelines on the design of jointed concrete pavements. These are based on the field performance results of 95 inservice con-crete pavement sections, on the results of a literature review,and on the experience of the authors. Key considerations in thedesign of concrete pavements are highlighted...

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government, Trackslabs Members Only

Closing ceremony from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government, Trackslabs Members Only

Indexes, General Reports and Additional Contributions from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

Index of Papers and Opening from Addresses from the 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

New developments in the construction of railway track bases without ballast

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

The conventional form of construction for permanent way, as first conceived about ISO years ago, adopted the ballast bed for supporting the railway track from what at that time was the most economical road building method, namely, macadam. By the same token, a p:esent-day innovative form of permanent way construt~...

Road/trackway structure a system for the future

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

In September 1984 the first West-European trial section with the Nikex system was constructed in Rotterdam. This sys~em was developed in the early seventies by the Public Transport Service of Budapest, a concrete manufacturer and Budapest University. By now, well over 225 km (single track) is in use in the...

A British Railway Slab Track Project

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

Paved concrete track (PACT) is a continuously reinforced profiled concrete slab laid by a purposedesigned'o rm paving train on which the rails are continuously supported. This paper traces the development of the system by British Rail and includes a detailed description of the components of the system and the...

Experimental section of railway track on a reinforced concrete continuous slab

Highways Members Only

In 1975, on the Madrid - Barcelona railway line, an experimental section without ballast was constructed with a view to obtaining a track which would be of sufficiently good quality for use by fast trains while costing less to maintain. The 4,IOO-m-long section was located on a part of the...

Use of new road materials (industrial wastes) in mixes for sub-bases

Highways Members Only

The replacement of traditional aggregates (limestone) by crushed blastfurnace slag or LD steelmaking slag in lean concrete and in cement-stabilized hardcore was investigated. The effect of adding fly-ash to mixes of the conventional type was also studied. For mixes of equal composition (in parts by volume) and equal grading (by...

Use of cement-bound industrial wastes and recycled materials in earthworks and road construction

Highways Members Only

For environmental reasons, it is becoming increasingly difficult and eherefore expensive to find fresh sites for wasee disposal. Investigations have shown that coal fly-ash, refuse incinerator grate ash, demolished road asphalt and concrete rubble can, when suicably treated with cement, be economically reused for road construction, for which purpose they...