Results of immersion-drying laboratory lest on pavement con-crete pieces show that tbe deformations produced by internalmoisture variations are as important as those produced bytemperature changes. Indirect measurements of internal mois-ture in actual pavements demonstrate the predominant existenceof a moisture differential between the slab surface and bottom.The resulting upward warping in...
The New Spanish Standard on Pavement Design
The General Highway Plan (1984-1991) currently under execution has prompted an overall update of the specifications, in order to take into account the past experience, the new materials and the traffic evolution since 1975. In general, internally vibrated portland cement concrete pavements (PCCP) for heavy traffic have transverse joints every...
New Design Method and Fatigue Analysis of Rigid Pavements with Variable Thickness
A new process for the structural plate analysis has been presented that is based on the condition of stationarity of total complementary energy (equilibrium model) instead than on the condition of the stationarity of the total potential energy (con-gruence model) as usually done. Each of the two processes, asregards to...
Restraint Stresses in Young Concrete Pavements
Under adversè conditions, the restraint stresses of young concrete pavements can cause the forma-tion of random cracks. In order to determine theparameters which influence the formation of thesestresses a full-scale experiment including sixdifferent test sections was performed. The experi-ment showsthe greatinfluenceof climaticconditionsin the days after placing the concrete. The analy-sis...
Assessment of Piarc Recommendation on the Combatting of Pump Inc in Concrete Pavements
Within the PIARC Concrete Roads Technical Committee,ninecountrieshaveworkedout a common platform of recommendations for improving the longterm performance of concrete pavements by implementing appropriate design provisions, draining of interface infiltration water, use of low-erodability subbase materials, optimized drainage,and surface waterproofing. Some countries hadalready applied all or part of these design provi-sions...
Design Practice of Concrete Pavements in China
A brief review of China's practice on structural design of concrete pavements is presented. The designmethodology adopted controls the combined fatigue damage due to repeated traffic loading and fluctuating temperature gradient, and solves the loading and thermal warping stresses by using the finite element method, based on a mechanistic mo-del...
The Design and Maintenance of Contraction Joints Behaviour of the Namur Test Road After 10 Years of Traffic
This article describes the behaviour after 10 years of service of the test sections constructed in 1979 on State road N 4 in the Belgian province of Namur, The object of this experiment, is to compare various types of contraction joint on the same site and under the same conditions...
Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Concrete Pavements
During hardening concrete pavements do not have a uniform distribution of temperature throughout the thickness. The calculation of tem-perature stresses has to start from the differencebetween the zero-stress-temperature and the actualtemperature. Itisadvantageous if (for example dueto wet-curing) the zero-stress-temperature is lowerat the top than in the middle of the slab....
Hard Shoulders on Autobahns
Hard shoulders provide space for vehicles to stop in an emergency. They additionally provide space to function as traffic lane to keep traffic moving in the customary number of lanes if part of the carriageways is closed for repair measures. In the case of concrete pavements, the structural design and...
The Design of Concrete Pavements and Overlays
This paper describes a method developed by the Belgian Road Research Centre for the design of cement concrete pavements and overlays. The object of this method is to avoid fatigue cracking of the surfacing (or overlay) and excessive permanent deformation of the subgrade soil. It results from the application of...
The Effect of Heavy Loads on the Stress Distribution at the Surface of a Crc Pavement
A continuosly reinforced concrete pavement has been laid in 1984 within the steel mill Sidmar near the city of Ghent in Belgium. This paper deals with the tests performed in 1987 on the pavement and the analysis of the results. A French device, called "Ovalimètre", made it possible to measure...
Concrete Structures Made of One Piece Lean Concrete Slabs French Experiments and Pavement Design – Future Developments
France has an extended experience in hydraulic binder treated materials: in semi-rigid structures, in cement concrete thick slabs, in lean concrete for concrete pavement subbase layers. It has permit-ted to establish a new and very competitive struc-ture: the lean concrete thick slab on a drainingcourse with or without tranverse joints.A...