Technology Review of NDT Techniques for Rigid Pavements
William Ward1,
1 William Ward, Bachelor of Engineering, Papworths Construction Testing Equipment
Non Destructive Testing (NDT) has been used to support infrastructure as a quality assurance tool, input to designs for remediation and for general condition assessment. Rigid pavements applications have special requirements, including the need to investigate large asset networks, unique details of construction and detailing and broad Asset Management tools to interoperate with. This paper will present a technology overview of techniques and relevant local and international standards for rigid pavement applications. This will include Pavement Profiling, LWD/HWD, Acoustic Scanning, Impact Echo, SASW testing, Ground Penetrating Radar and Eddy Current Measurements. Case studies will be presented on Artificial Intelligence applications for data processing and the use of RTK GPS to provide position information for GPR data and for Impact Echo data. Finally comments will be made on data coding, categorisation and how to structure records for use with Asset Management tools.
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