Mission and Objectives

Founded in October 2007, the Australian Society for Concrete Pavements [‘the Society or ASCP’] is the only Australian not-for-profit organisation focused on facilitating improvements in the design, construction and quality of concrete pavements in Australia through education, training, technology transfer and research.

Our mission is simple;

  1. to facilitate the advancement of knowledge and technology related to concrete pavements through education, technology transfer and research in Australia;
  2. to gather and disseminate information for the concrete pavement community; and
  3. promote technological advancements and competence of its members leading to improved concrete pavement design, construction and performance

The Society aims to achieve these objectives and activities;

  1. through staging regular events for practitioners to obtain training, share learning’s and experience to new technologies and innovations in concrete pavements
  2. assist in development, implementation and delivery of training to the industry;
  3. providing regular and timely communication with members; and lastly
  4. reviewing / providing feedback on national and state road authority specifications and test methods, and give consensus views from contractors and suppliers.