A frequently noted disadvantage of cement concrete pavements is repair time. For further application of this technology, it was necessary to eliminate this disadvantage and significantly reduce repair time. Therefore, Skanska developed the "Fast-setting concrete technology". In-house development commenced in 2005. MC Bauchemie, design engineers and investor representatives also participated....
Data Analysis and Simulation of Rigid Pavement Test Item at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility
The Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) conducts accelerated full-scale testing of airport pavements under controlled conditions. Construction Cycle 6 (CC6) was aimed at evaluating the effects of concrete strength and subbase materials. Two types of isolation joints were also tested for comparison. Data from embedded...
Ultrasonic Tomography as Non Destructive Measuring Technique for Concrete Pavement Evaluation
Ultrasonic tomography is a non-destructive method to evaluate different characteristics of the pavement such as thickness, position of reinforcement, presence of cracks and impurities, strength evolution. This technique can be used for control and follow-up of new pavements but also for non-destructive analysis of existing pavements in order to determine...
Urban Concrete Pavements History and Current Technology
This paper aims to outline briefly the history of the first concrete pavements in Europe and in the United States. The authors will present examples of concrete pavements built in Tarnów, a relatively large city (115,000 inhabitants) in southern Poland. They will show technological and structural solutions for using concrete...
Thinking Outside the Box with Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement
Roller compacted concrete (RCC) pavement has been used for decades in situations where repetitive heavy loads are applied and for large paved areas. These applications have included logging yards, ports, automobile manufacturing plants, and warehouse districts among other places. While these are appropriate applications for RCC pavement, there are many...
Skid Resistance Properties of Concrete Pavement Surfaces in Tunnels
Skid resistance properties of concrete pavement surfaces in tunnels are measured with the dynamic measuring device TRT on a regular basis in the Czech Republic. Measurements are usually carried out before and after putting the tunnel into operation and then approximately once a year; the skid resistance is also measured...
Environmental Product Declaration of Czech Cement
This paper explains the basic concepts, history of studies and the results of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the Czech Cement and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of the Czech Cement. The Environmental Product Declaration is based on the method of life cycle assessment, which generally evaluates the impact on...
Skid Resistance-Improvement Measures on Concrete Roads in Austrian Road Tunnels
The results of the investigation concerning the loss of skid resistance on Austrian tunnel roads are presented in this poster as well as the results of trials to improve the skid resistance level in the laboratory. Best results were achieved through cleaning the road surface in the tunnel with tailor...
Pavement Type Selection What is the Ideal Process
Pavement type selection is often one of the more challenging and controversial decisions highway administrators face. The process involves weighing engineering factors such as materials, structural, and even long term performance against initial and life-cycle costs to help agencies decide between various pavement alternatives. Given the expenditure of significant public...
Belgian Specifications for Freeze-Thaw-Resistant Pavement Concrete
The Belgian standard specifications contain a number of clear requirements for the composition of concrete mixtures and the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. It is generally known that water and air content have a substantial impact on the frost susceptibility of a concrete surface the former in a...
Precast Electrified Roadway Pavement Systems using Engineered Cementitious Composites
The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) remains low mainly because of its battery related problems, which include high cost, range limitation and weight. Electrified roadways, which allow EVs to charge while they are in operation (motion or stationary) by using Inductive Power Transfer, is a very innovative technology to overcome...
Mixture Quality and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Concrete Overlay Application in Lithuania Pavements
Heavy vehicles traffic flow and loads are increasing every year and influence faster degradation of asphalt pavement. A lot of money is expended on distressed pavement repair and rehabilitation, so sustainable pavement structure development is one of priority in Lithuania. Flexible (asphalt) pavement design lifetime is 20 years and often...