ASCP Forum Series (F2F) – Tuesday, 11th June 2024 – Newcastle


ASCP Forum Series – F2F Event, Tuesday, 11th June 2024.

Hexham Bowling Club – 290 Old Maitland Road, Hexham NSW 2322

Join us at the second ASCP Forum of 2024! Being held in Hexham NSW, this event will showcase speakers representing the entire concrete paving industry, covering a diverse range of topics.

The morning sessions will see Peter Carson (Carson Group) delivers a Concrete Pavements Overview of Hexham Straight, followed by David Kelly (Transport for NSW) walks us through Transport for NSW’s Sustainable Infrastructure Program.

After morning tea, Jason Chandler (Concrete Insights) will examines the innovation process and its impact on lower carbon concrete.  Next, Michael Moffatt (NTRO) delivers a presentation titled – ‘Greenhouse Emissions – The Elephant on the Pavement’, which will lead into our networking lunch.

After lunch, Stuart Neilson (Enviromesh), will provide an overview of ‘Enviromesh’, including project case studies of the product in use. Succeeding Stuart, Technical & Quality Director Luciano Periera (Crosbe) will deliver his presentation on ‘Rapid Set Concrete – Overview and Project Updates’, followed by Michael van Koeverdan (CQT) presenting on ‘The Future use of High Fly Ash Pavement Materials’.

Jamie Egan (ASCP) will then provide a general update and address any recent or upcoming ASCP news.

The line-up of presentations:

  • Peter Carson (Carson Group)
  • Jason Chandler (Concrete Insights)
  • David Kelly (Transport for NSW)
  • Michael Moffatt (NTRO)
  • Stuart Neilson (Enviromesh)
  • Luciano Periera (Crosbe)
  • Michael van Koeverdan (CQT)

The forum program is listed below.

Registrations for the event are now open. To select a member ticket, you will need to login to your profile. If you don’t have a profile, please contact the ASCP office on 1300 769 724

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