The Geneva - Lausanne moeorway, which was commissioned in 1964, comprises about ~5 km of concrete pavement consisting of 20 cm thick doweled slabs (10m x 4m) resting on a non-stabilized 55 cm thick gravel-sand sub-base (0 -100 mm particle size). The subgrade consists of non-stabilized natural insieu soils as...
New Jersey type safety barriers – Experiences in Belgium
This paper reports the experience gained by the Highways Department in Belgium in the construction of so-called New Jersey safety barriers during the past few years. First the reasons why the Ministry of Public Works gave up the more traditional protection systems such as steel or aluminium safety fences are...
Design of concrete pavements
Together with the increasing demand for concrete pavements in the Netherlands, the need for a technically and economically justified method of pavement design arose. On the basis of the present knowledge on the stress and deformation behaviour of concrete under static and repeated loading, a method of concrete pavemen~ design...
Construction procedures of relevance to the type of work to be carried out
The construction of concrete pavements is associated with various requirements to be fulfilled, e.g.: full-width construction stripwise construction, but extending over the full width ) e.g., construction of new cancrete roads addition of traffic lanes to existing carriageways ) e.g., on roads in use by traffic renewal of traffic lanes...
Realization of agricultural roads in concrete in Belgium
The construction of concrete agricultural roads continues to increase in Belgium; latest statistical data show that public autorities still rely on this type of pavement. A new design method was recently proposed and published by the Ministry for the Walloon Area; it is based on simple concepts and its application...
Determination of slab rocking at the joints of a cement concrete pavement
The amplitude of the deflection at the ends of the slabs at the transverse joints under the passage of a heavy load is an impo.tant c.iterion for assessing the effecciveness of the load transfe. at the joints and for the degree of deterioration of the carriageway. The technique applied at...
Construction of concrete noise protection barriers
The finalizing of the Federal German-law relating to pollution and nuisance control (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz) in April 1974 was an important step in the implementation of active noise control measures. The "Guidelines for traffic noise control on Federal interregional highways" published by the Federal German Minister of Transport in August 1983 establishes...