Concrete has been used as a construction material for road pavements for many years. Over the last 40 years, the world has seen a major program of motorway and trunk road constructions. The increase in the amount and individual weight of vehicular traffic has made increasing demands on the performance...
Determination of a Dedicated Concrete Pavement Network Using Probabilistic Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
In 2001, the Québec Ministry of Transportation (MTQ), in Canada, adopted a policy subdividing the existing pavement network into dedicated concrete and asphalt networks. This paper presents the methodology used for determining these respective dedicated networks using probabilistic Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). Sixteen (16) different combinations of Average Annual...
Considerations on Consistency Test and Properties of Porous Concrete for Pavement
The porous concrete surface and sub-base for pavements is required higher coefficient of permeability than 0.01cm/sec and higher bending strength than 3 or 4.5 N/mm2. In order to obtain workability and these qualities, suitable methods for testing consistency was investigated. It was possible to judge the consistency for quality control...
Introduction of a Laboratory-Based Mix Design Method for Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in El Salvador
This paper presents a laboratory-based mix design method for roller compacted concrete pavements for optimizing their cost-performance. It consists in introducing a new design procedure based on laboratory tests for aggregates, sand/gravel ratio, cement/water ratio, cement content, and resistance of the specimens to compression and flexion, in order to establish...
Imprinted Concrete Installations in Brussels
Over the past years, consideration was given to the damage some streets were exhibiting which had been constructed from porphyre cobblestones paving or concrete block paving. The director of the street accomodation for the region of Brussels took the decision to replace those damaged areas with an Imprinted Concrete Paving...
Flightdeck Crews and Runway Contrac-Tor Crews Working Together Face to Face on the 5th Extension to Zurich Airport Switzerland
During the extension to Zurich Airport in northern Switzerland, the Oberbau Civil Engineering Construction Consortium (Arbeits-Gemeinschaft) has probably been successful in completing the largest volume of concrete laying works in Central Europe by comparison with similar conversion undertakings. The works included the preparation and laying down of concrete runways, taxiways...
Sustainable Road Building with Low-Noise Crcp on Belgian Motorways
motorway network in Belgium is now nearly complete, a large share of current road investment is allocated to the renovation of the oldest concrete pavement. Some asphalt roads are also being replaced with concrete, sometimes via the complete reconstruction of the road structure, sometimes by an inlay (of the slow...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement in a Tunnel in Liege Belgium
In June 2000, a new motorway link (E25-E40) was inaugurated in Liège to solve transit and local traffic problems. It serves more than 65,000 vehicles a day in both directions. With multiple technical, environmental and security-related constraints, the 5 kilometres of this infrastructure prefigure numerous works such as bridges, roads,...
Analysis of Cracking Mechanisms in Concrete Pavements and Related Recommendations For Pavement Construction
In addition to the stresses caused by traffic loads concrete highway pavements may be subjected to considerable stresses due to environmental action effects and other related damaging mechanisms such as early age shrinkage, loss or absorption of moisture, temperature induced strain gradients and in some instances also alkali-silicareactions. Due to...
CRCP A Long-Lasting Pavement Solution For Todays Motorways, the Dutch Practice
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) structures are becoming more popular for high quality transport purposes and long lasting pavement solutions in The Netherlands. This increase raised the demand for practical guidelines, recommendations and standardisation with respect to design, construction details, the preparation of tender documents and construction. Up to now...
Zurich Airport Concrete Pavement Design
In response to manage the increase in air traffic volume, Zurich International Airport has built a new Midfield Dock with apron and a new taxiway system. For the new operational surfaces, which lie in a reclaimed swamp area, a hard-wearing but economic pavement had to be built for aircraft weights...
Crack Control in Liquid Tight Constructions
In Western Europe the demand for a crack-free structure is not uncommon. Due to environmental reasons more and more (concrete) structures are built to prevent toxic liquids from leakage trough the structure to the subsoil and groundwater. These structures can be found for instance in the chemical industry, petrol stations,...