Inlay in Continuous Reinforced Concrete on the A10 Brussels – Oostende at Ternat

Highways Members Only

Between September and November 2002, an inlay in continuous reinforced concrete was constructed on the A10 motorway between Groot-Bijgaarden and Ternat. The main components of the section of road are concrete slabs that are overlaid with asphalt surfacing. The work was performed in the shortest possible period, during which the...

Modieslab Innovative Prefabricated Modular Concrete Slab For Concrete Roads and Airfields

Airports, Highways Members Only

The Dutch Federal Highway Administration introduced the project “Roads to the Future” in the year 2000. Amongst other innovations, the MODULAR ROAD, was one of the sub-projects. In a contest several parties in the roudbuilding business were asked to develop an idea for a modular type of road that had...

The Structural Properties of Optimised Exposed Aggregate Concrete in the Netherlands

Highways Members Only

Indicative research on three new types of concrete roads by the Dutch Association of the Netherlands Cement Industry (VNC) in 1993 had shown that a concrete surface of exposed aggregates could be further optimised with respect to traffic noise reduction. In 1996, the Dutch Information and Technology Centre for Transport...

Economic Comparison Between Concrete and Conventional Road Pavements in France

Highways Members Only

A comparison of "capital plus maintenance" costs has been made in France using the following methodology: - firstly, a comparison of sections of concrete pavement with conventionally constructed ones of the same age on the same stretch of road, - secondly, a statistical analysis of the performance of the different...

Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Concrete Pavements Under Critical Loadings

Highways Members Only

Experimental and theoretical investigations on deformations and stresses in concrete pavements subjected to realistic weathering conditions have been carried out. On large-size concrete slabs critical hygral and thermal loadings with boundary conditions corresponding to different field situations were simulated. The results of the experiments served to calibrate and to verify...

Factors Affecting the Formation of Air Voids in Road Concrete

Highways Members Only

A greatly increased air void content in the hardened concrete has been found in recent years in some contract sections of concrete pavement. Investigations were carried out at the Research Institute of the Cement Industry on road concretes in order to determine the reason for this excessively high content. The...

Influence of Moisture on the Deformation (Warping and Curling) of Concrete Road Pavements Consisting of One or Two Layers with and without Recycled Aggregate

Highways Members Only

Depending on the environmental conditions during casting and hardening, actual temperature and moisture gradients in concrete pavement induce strains. These strains lead to deflections of the slabs or, when restrained, to stresses and in some cases, mainly in combination with traffic loads, to cracks. Concrete with recycled concrete aggregate (RC-Concrete)...

Alkali-Silica Reaction Prevention by Lithium Salts

Highways Members Only

After the exploration of damages caused by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) on highway bridges in Turkey recently, the usage of reactive aggregate on highway construction was prohibited. However, this does not seem to be the proper solution, because natural aggregate leads to an increase in workability of concrete due to its...

The Acoustical Properties of Optimised Exposed Aggregate Concrete in the Netherlands

Highways Members Only

About nine years ago, the Dutch Association of the Netherlands Cement industry (VNC) initiated indicative noise measurements on three new types of concrete roads. It was shown that exposed aggregate had a potential for further optimising. The Dutch Information and Technology Centre for Transport and Infrastructure (CROW) initiated in 1996...

Roller Compacted Concrete

Highways Members Only

Roller concrete has been adopted from dam-building technology, where it is used as a rapidly constructed and durable solid concrete. In road construction, roller compacted concrete is predominantly used in foundations, as a supporting layer. For surfacing or as a layer of surfacing. Some applications in Belgium are discussed. This...

Investigation of Maintenance Needs For In-Service Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

Given the large number of concrete pavements that have performed well over time and lived up to prior expectations, as well as the knowledge that is now available regarding the reasons for failure in certain concrete constructions, it should be possible to carry out an evaluation of these pavement types....

Test Sections of Rigid and Flexible Pavements

Highways Members Only

The number of heavy vehicles in the Swedish road network is continuing to grow, and more rigid types of pavements are being used to withstand the loads. During the 1980s only asphalt pavements were used in Sweden and damage occurred on many roads with large traffic volumes. The Swedish National...