Warming of Urban Street Surfaces During Summer Heat Waves

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The global warming of our planet has a special impact on urban areas, because large cities are characteristic for the development of so-called urban heat islands. This modification of the climate of a city in comparison to the climate of their hinterland is based on a multiplicity of factors like...

Whitetopping with Ultra-Thin Layers of High and Ultra High Performance Concrete

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For decades, damaged asphalt or concrete pavements in the U.S. were repaired by applying the "whitetopping“ technique. This measure covers the damaged pavement with a new layer of a thickness between 15 and 25 cm, in order to re-establish its viability and safety to traffic. In a research project by...

The Design of URC, Heavy Duty Slip-Formed Concrete Pavement for a Port Environment

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The design of heavy duty pavements for ports and harbours is becoming an important concrete pavement application. This paper summarises Ove Arup & Partners’ experience in completing the design of heavy-duty container port pavements. The paper outlines a practical set of calculations complete with a standard, jointed unreinforced concrete (URC),...

Concrete Pavements for Dedicated Lanes for Buses

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A great number of cities, looking for a sustainable and attractive urban transport regarding speed, reliability and service quality, are promoting public transport on dedicated lanes, either with railway systems or with buses. Due to their versatility and lower construction and operating costs, buses become more interesting than railway systems....

Subgrade Stabilization and Pavement Recycling for the Widening of the A-495 Highway in Huelva (Spain)

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The upgrading of the A-495 between Gibraleón and San Bartolomé, in the province of Huelva (SouthWest of Spain), consists in an widenig of the cross section (which some years ago has been enlarged from 6 m in the original work to 8 m after a first rehabilitation) to 10 m...

Forty Years of Life of the Hydraulic Concrete Pavements of the Autopistas Aumar (Abertis Autopistas)

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We attempt to present the management of concrete pavements made by Aumar on motorways which is the concessionaire: data collection and its management, application of their model of pavement, performance of this one, repairs and rehabilitation.

Testing and Standardisation of Recycling Concrete on Cycle Tracks in the Netherlands

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This paper reports about the results of test sections on a concrete cycle track, where natural aggregates were replaced by selected crushed concrete. The test sections were built in 2006 and monitored directly after the winter periods. In the three tested concrete mixes respectively 50% and 100% of the course...

Characteristics of Today’s Concrete Surfaces

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More and more importance is attached to the quality of the road surface, especially by the road users who want to drive on safe and comfortable roads. Concrete pavements often suffer from bad image due to the fact they are very old and have been designed according to other criteria...

Thin Concrete Overlays US Case Studies and Performance

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The need for optimizing preservation and rehabilitation strategies used to maintain highway concrete and asphalt pavements has never been greater, given the current difficult economical outlook faced by highway agencies. Conventional bonded and unbonded concrete overlays have a long history of successful use to preserve and rehabilitate concrete and asphalt...

Concrete Roundabouts in Switzerland

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In Switzerland concrete pavements for roundabouts are considered a suitable and cost effective and above all a durable solution. The service life is estimated to be 40 to 50 years, what can only be achieved by concrete pavements.

Photometric Characterisation of the Concrete Pavement in the Sinard Tunnel Favouring a Sustainable Concrete Pavement

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The Sinard tunnel (length 980 metres), located South of Grenoble, is one of the few in France to have a concrete pavement. Once the tunnel was opened to traffic, in 2007, a campaign of photometric measurements was initiated to follow the evolution of photometric characteristics of the concrete pavement with...

Main Road Rn7 Between La Pacaudière and Changy (Loire, France) A High Performance Treated Capping Layer at the Limit of the Specifications

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A new section of main road Route Nationale 7 (RN7) has been under construction since 2007 between La Pacaudiere and Changy (Loire, France). The capping layer had to be treated with 1% lime and 5.5% cement. At the beginning of the working, the building company proposed another solution to build...