Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Test Method Review Committee (TMRC) has reached out to the Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) for feedback on the following methods:
- (Partial – corresponding sections of the following test methods) T105 Preparation of samples for testing (soils)
- T166 Relative compaction of road construction materials, and
- T173 Field wet density of road construction materials (nuclear gauge in direct transmission method)
TfNSW have provided some brief descriptions of the technical changes made:
- T105 (linked below, relevant sections for each test method have been extracted).
- Sections have been expanded for clarity and reflect changes in the main methods.
- T166 (linked below):
- Clause 5.1, Moisture ratio is required for cohesive materials
- Clause 6.1.3, Added moisture ratio calculations and adjusted OMC where OS is present
- Appendix A, Plotting of all test results is required.
- T173 (linked below):
- Clause 5.1.1 (d) (ii), Record of the portable nuclear moisture density gauge (PNMDG) dry density and field water content added.
- Clause 5.2, Clarified testing of the lower part of a deep lift stabilised or heavily bound pavement course.
Please use the attached comment form and send your feedback by COB Monday 16 May 2022.
The current versions of the test methods are available online