Paper by RIFFEL from ISCR 8th 1998 Lisbon Portugal
FCC (Paver Compacted Concrete) is laid with conventional road payers equipped with special screeds, namely with High-Power Compaction Screeds. The main difference compared with other concrete technologies primarily used in nowadays road construction (slipform paving) is that FCC is compacted from the surface with tamping, vibrating and pressing compacting systems. The high paving quality achieved by this novel concrete technology ensures that no additional compaction by rolling is required which, in contrast, is needed with RCC (Roller Compacted Concrete). This means that the specified density will be achieved by the high-power compaction screed. As a result, working width, paving depth, transverse road profile, surface accuracy and surface texture are of the highest possible quality achievahle for mad pavements. A fundamental precondition is that the paving material is alays availdble with eoiisisteiit buildiug materials properties such as consistency, bearing capacity and compactibility, and that harmonising of the selected paving parameters and the paving material has been carried out beforehand. As far as the composition of the PCC is concerned, granulometric composition (aggregate grading curve) and water content are critical for a high compaction. The share of "rock flour" below 0.25 mm should not exceed 8 % by weight, and the compaction of the fresh concrete should be performed close to the optimum water content according to the Proctor curve. Because of the low w/b-content carrying out an effective and sufficiently lasting treatment right after the completion of the surface is necessary a high quality and diirahihity
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