The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) recently held the Annual General Meeting for 2022. The meeting was held in conjunction with our most recent ASCP Forum and our inaugural Awards for Technical Excellence. The AGM allows the ASCP to directly increase involvement with the Membership, by providing a concise and transparent view into the operations of the organisation. As well as allow members the opportunity to elect representatives to the National Executive. We encourage all members, sponsors and interested parties to engage with our Annual General Meetings.
ASCP Executive Director, Craig Heidrich and ASCP President, Justin Moss, conducted the meeting for 2022 and the following items on the agenda:
- President’s Report
- Financial Report
- National Executive Elections
There were four members of the National Executive 2 year term expired. President, Mr. Justin Moss, Vice-President, Mr. Jamie Egan and Secretary/Treasurer, Mr. Peter Carson all stood for re-election and all were re-elected. Mr. David Slingsby (winner of the Kevin Abrams Award for Service to Industry) having served the National Executive for countless years and made the decision to not stand again for re-election and allow for new voices to be heard on the National Executive. A vote of thanks was recorded acknowledging David’s service. Two (2) new members were elected, Bohdan Dowsing of Dowsing and Brendan Leader of ARRB Group to the ASCP National Executive.